Saturday, January 5, 2013

Number Three: Key of Light by Nora Roberts

Key of Light is the first of a trilogy of Nora Roberts, which I did not know, or the another books would be on my list. But sadly I will have to wait until I have finished my list to read the rest of the trilogy. The trilogy takes place in a small town in Pennsylvania, where three women are charged with a quest to find three magical keys that unlock a glass box which holds the souls of three demigoddess. Each woman is given twenty-eights days to find her key, one woman searchers for a key at a time. When the first woman (Malory Price) finds her key in the given time and only can the next woman find her key. Each woman is given a clue to help her find her key. There is a little bit of love and romance between Malory Price and Michael "Flynn" Hennessy but I would say that most of the novel is a flirtatious mystery-thriller.

I have to say, I enjoyed this novel more than I thought I would. I know this book was a romantic novel and I was ready for that but I did not expect so much mystery. I have read some of Nora Roberts novels before, so I knew there would be some thrill and/or mystery in the story but I did not expect this much. I mean, lets be honest, one reads a romantic novel for the fairly tale love and the sex scenes, but I was more caught up in the mystery and the fact that I wanted Malory to find the key that I forgot I was reading a romantic novel. Also considering that I have read some of Nora Roberts novels, I have to say, she can write better sex scenes than she did in this novel. I also love the Irish theme she has in all of the books I have read of her's.


"'You must seek beauty, and truth and courage. One alone will never stand. Two without the third is complete. Search within and know what you have yet to know. Find what the dark covets most. Search without, where the light conquers shadows, as love conquers sorrow. Silver tears fall for the song she makes there, for it springs from souls. Look beyond and between, see where beauty blooms and the goddess sings. There may be fear, there may be grief, but the true heart vanquishes both. when you find what you seek, love will break the spell, and the hear will forge the key and bring it to light.'" Page 33

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